Curtain Walls 101.2: Standard Curtain Wall Applications

There are innumerable ways you can use fabric curtain walls.  What will your use be?

Curtain Walls 101.2: Standard Curtain Wall Applications

Flexible fabric curtain walls are becoming increasingly popular because they have a wide range of uses. These products can help manage physical space, control environmental conditions, improve productivity, and save energy. In this post, we will look at all the different, but common curtain wall applications.

Temperature separation

Fabric curtain walls can be used to divide cooler/freezer space, keep employees warm or cool in specified plant areas, and protect temperature-sensitive items or processes. Insulated curtain walls can provide a temperature delta of 15°F (8°C), 35°F (15°C) or 40°F (22°C) with R-values of 3, 6 and 10, respectively.

Heat/humidity control

Industrial curtain walls can isolate heat-generating production processes for employee comfort, as well as effectively control humidity levels within your facility.

Sound attenuation

Curtain walls are specified for reducing excessive noise levels, enclosing or isolating noisy equipment or operations, and partitioning areas for sound control. Typical noise reduction is between 22-27 decibels.

Dust/odor/fume containment

Fabric curtain walls are an excellent way to keep dust off products and packaging, and out of machinery and production equipment. They can also be used to protect employee health and comfort, or prevent absorption of food or chemical odors into other products.


Fabric walls can isolate production lines for cleaning while continuing to operate other lines at peak capacity, enclose areas to minimize overspray when cleaning and reduce drying times, and/or reduce the potential for cross contamination during routine production processes.

Loading dock enclosures

Fabric curtain walls are suitable for surrounding interior and open loading docks to save energy, protect product, and improve employee comfort.

Special curtain wall applications

The physical construction of curtain walls along with custom design and engineering allows them to be configured in virtually any size, shape or dimension – making it possible to handle unique applications outside these standard ones.

In the next Curtain Walls 101 post, we will discuss the curtain wall installation process.

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