SplitSecond High Speed Door

SplitSecond High Speed Door

It’s called the SplitSecond™ - a dual action door that splits right down the middle.  By opening side-to-side, you cut the travel distance in half while doubling the speed with peak speeds of up to 120”/sec (3 m/sec).  Split-center design for split-second performance.  The idea is simple.  A door that keeps up with the pace of production while never getting in the way of it.  Everything from people to equipment to moving quicker and more efficiently without breaking stride and without waiting for the door.

Drivers and pedestrians get immediate full height, top-to-bottom visibility and high mast forklifts gain immediate full height access.  SplitSecond is smart, simple, low maintenance, customizable technology.  The bi-rolling design reduces your footprint and takes up next to no space along the wall.


improving industrial safety, security and productivity worldwide THROUGH QUALITY AND INNOVATION