Episode 16: Dok-Lok® Origins and the Future of the Vehicle Restraint

Interested in learning more about your industry’s latest trends and innovations? Tune into Episode 16 of of Rite-Hite’s podcast series, Rite From the Source.

In celebration of the Dok-Lok’s 40th anniversary, this episode features the retired Norb Hahn, who was the lead engineer for the development of the original Dok-Lok, and Brad Stone, the current Director of Engineering for the product. Listen to Norb and Brad talk about the storied history of the original Dok-Lok and the many evolutions this important piece of safety equipment has undergone through the years. From the start to today, the Dok-Lok has remained one of the best, most effective ways to secure trucks and trailers at the loading dock. You are sure to enjoy this insider perspective on how the Dok-Lok originally came about back in 1980 and how Rite-Hite is still innovating today. You won’t want to miss this special edition of Rite From the Source!

 Norb Hahn In this episode, you will learn about:Brad Stone
  • > How the first Dok-Lok design came to be, straight from the lead engineer himself!
  • > What went into the design and development of the original Dok-Lok.
  • > How the original Dok-Lok was received by its first customers.
  • > Changes that have been made to the Dok-Lok over the years and why they have been necessary.


Listen to Episode 16 Now!


Rite from the Source Podcast  Rite from the Source Podcast 

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improving industrial safety, security and productivity worldwide THROUGH QUALITY AND INNOVATION